Item Coversheet

Information/Discussion ITEM

Item # 11.f.


List of all Projects Engineering is Actively Working on and Hours, and Which Projects Should be Pursued for Additional Funding for Temporary Resources to Assist (D. Lehnig) (pgs. 218-241 )


July 26, 2022

Staff CONTACT(S):Dale E. Lehnig, PE, CFM, Director of Engineering,, Planning & Development


The title of this agenda item that was provided to staff is “List of all projects Engineering is actively working on and hours, and on which ones should we pursue additional funding for temporary resources to assist with”.  For the first part of this request, the quarterly Capital Improvement report is attached (Attachment 1).  With the exception of the projects that are completed or future, all of the projects listed are active in one phase or another.   Also attached are individual Capital Project Reports.  Most, but not all, of the projects have one of these reports, which are posted on the Town website. 


With respect to the hours spent on each of the projects – we currently do not track project work to that level of detail.   Jessica Keller, our Capital Projects Coordinator, works exclusively on capital projects.  With the addition of the ARPA-funded projects, we have made these projects a team effort for Engineering.  Our GIS specialist now spends an estimated 60-70% of time on Capital Projects.   However, with that change in priority, other tasks such as GIS updates, mapping requests, other GIS requests from staff or outside customers, more detailed plan reviews or plat and deed reviews, and special projects become a lower priority and are not done in our “normal” timeframe.  In particular, the Loudoun County Projects, with multiple submittals of plans, deeds and plats have consumed Engineering resources. 


The final part of this title asks where we need additional resources.  We have been relying more on our consultants for tasks that staff had traditionally covered.  These include right-of-way acquisition, mapping assistance, plan review, plat/deed review, and final project audits.  We anticipate needing project management and construction management assistance, and inspection for those projects that are currently under design.  In particular, the larger ARPA funded projects such as the watermain replacement, the new water storage tank and SCADA upgrades have a defined timeframe in which to obligate and spend the ARPA funds.  Since timing is critical, we may need to draw on our consultants as an extension of staff for these projects.  Additionally, as noted previously, the Loudoun County projects reviews are time-consuming even at this early stage of development.  Construction plan reviews may need to be outsourced to allow staff time to devote to the Capital Projects. 

Attachment 1 CIP quarterly report 2022_0701