Item Coversheet


Item # 10.b.


(Amended Discussion item 11c to be 10b to follow Action item 10a) Review of the Engineering Proposal to Conduct a Berlin Turnpike Corridor Study (D. Lehnig) (pgs.64-79)


July 26, 2022

Staff CONTACT(S):Dale E. Lehnig, PE, CFM, Director of Engineering, Planning & Development


At the request of the Town Council, Staff has asked our consultant Kimley-Horn to provide a proposal to conduct a corridor study for Berlin Turnpike, from Main Street to the Route 7 interchange; the proposal is attached. 


Due to the growth in traffic volumes based on new development and the completion of the William T. Druhan Jr. Boulevard, congestion exists along Berlin Turnpike in this area. The County has studied a portion of this corridor in conjunction with their proposed project, Route 7/287 Interchange Improvements.  Recently, town residents have expressed concern with the intersection of Berlin Turnpike, Eastgater Drive and Patrick Henry Circle - especially the difficulty of exiting Eastgate Drive to drive north on Berlin Turnpike. 

Currently, the intersection of Berlin Turnpike, Eastgate Drive and Patrick Henry Circle operates at a level of service F during weekday commuter peak hours.  This level of service was noted in the traffic study which was prepared as a part of the Purcellville Gateway proposed expansion of Harris Teeter and the child care center.  Purcellville Gateway Traffic Impact Study dated October 27, 2017 and revised on March 2, 2018 shows that the Eastgate Drive and Patrick Henry Circle intersection approaches operate at level of service F during the weekday commuter peak hours under existing conditions (2017).  The study identifies a traffic signal as a potential improvement to mitigate the high delay and poor level of service. 

Based on the 2018 study, the Town submitted a request for funding to Loudoun County in October 2018.  That funding request for $700,000 included an estimated $150,000 for preliminary engineering and $550,000, for construction of a possible traffic signal at the intersection.  Loudoun County’s adopted budget shows $700,000 in FY25 for this project. 

The attached proposal for a corridor study shows an estimated cost of $149,995.35.   This study includes an in-depth look at existing traffic, proposed improvements by Loudoun County, and recommendations to address concerns that have been raised.  

Berlin Turnpike is a VDOT owned and maintained roadway within the Town.  Any proposed changes to the roadway and intersections would need to meet VDOT’s design requirements. 


Funding has not been allocated for this study; a budget amendment would need to be submitted to, and approved by, the Town Council. The estimated cost for the corridor study is $149,995.

Attachment 1 KHA Berlin Turnpike Corridor Study