Item Coversheet

Action ITEM

Item # 12.c.


Approval of Acceptance of Partial Funding of G Street Sidewalk Project (D. Lehnig) Additional information forthcoming(pg. 29-57) (revised 48-76)


May 24, 2022


Dale Lehnig, PE, CFM, Director of Engineering, Planning and Development

Jessica Keller, PE, Capital Projects Coordinator


Staff has been notified that the Steering Committee of the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) approved partial funding for the G Street Sidewalk Project in the amount of $701,244.   Attachment #1 includes the recommendation for funding from the TPB, which staff received on May 19, 2022.   The request for funding of $2,000,000 through the Transportation Alternatives Program (Safe Routes to Schools, SRTS category) was submitted to VDOT (Virginia Department of Transportation) by Town Staff in October 2021.  VDOT administers this funding and has requested confirmation that the Town will commit to proceed with this project given partial funding.  


The CIP project sheet in the Town’s adopted FY2023 budget shows a total budget of $2,824,221 for the project (See Attachment #2).   This budget anticipated $2,000,000 of VDOT (Transportation Alternatives) funding and $824,221 NVTA (Northern Virginia Transportation Authority, allocation to Town) funding.  With partial funding of $701,244 from VDOT, an additional $1,298,756 of funding is needed.  The source of this additional funding could be requested through various other grant opportunities including Loudoun County Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), Transportation Alternatives Program (next cycle is Fall 2023), or a congressional earmark.  Other sources could be additional NVTA funds or the Town’s general fund. 


The Transportation Alternatives Program grant requires a 20% Town match.  With the $701,244 of funding, and the 20% Town match ($175,310) using NVTA funds, the project design could be completed, and part of the right-of-way/utility relocation work could be completed. 


Staff seeks the Town Council Approval to accept the partial funding for this project, to begin the design and right-of-way phases of the project, and to seek additional grant funds or use a combination of NVTA funds and general funds to complete the project.  


On September 14, 2021, the Town Council heard and approved of the submission of the application for funding for the G Street Sidewalk to VDOT/Transportation Alternatives Program.  The proposed 5-foot wide sidewalk will provide a linkage from existing sidewalks along E Street, G Street and 12th Street, to an existing sidewalk on the eastern end of G Street.  The existing sidewalk on G Street connects to sidewalks along S. Maple Avenue, and also to a walkway in the Gardner Meadows subdivision.  Further, sidewalks in Gardner Meadows connect to the newly completed A Street multiuse trail along A Street, which provides a direct walk/bike route to Blue Ridge Middle School (BRMS).  Students would also have the option of crossing BRMS sports field property, which abuts G Street, in order to get to the BRMS.  The proposed project will include ADA compliant ramps, curb & gutter, in addition to the 5-foot wide sidewalk.  The Staff Report with attachments is included in Attachment #3.  The resolution was carried 6-0-0 absent, Grewe.   The signed Resolution is included in Attachment #4.  Please note that the Resolution requested a funding allocation of $2,580,913; however, the Town was notified after submission of its application that the Transportation Alternatives program has a $2,000,000 funding limit.


Attachment #5 shows the Application that was submitted to VDOT for Transportation Alternatives Program funding in October 2021.  Loudoun County Public Schools demonstrated their support of the project by providing essential documentation for the Application.  On May 19, Staff was notified that the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board approved of partial funding ($701,244 approved of $2,000,000 requested) for the project.  It is noteworthy that only two projects were approved for funding for TA funds in this application cycle.  Since the funding will need to be allocated in June, VDOT has asked for confirmation that the Town will proceed with the project with only partial funding at this time. 


As noted in the summary above, the CIP project sheet in the Town’s adopted FY2023 budget shows a total budget of $2,824,221 for the project.  This budget anticipated $2,000,000 of VDOT (Transportation Alternatives Program, TA) funding and $824,221 NVTA (Town) funding.  With partial funding of $701,244 from VDOT, an additional $1,298,756 of funding is needed.  The source of this additional funding could be requested through various other grant opportunities including Loudoun County CIP, Transportation Alternatives Program (next cycle is Fall 2023), or a congressional earmark.  Other sources could be additional (future unallocated) NVTA funds or the Town’s general fund.    Further, it is our understanding that projects that are underway receive a greater consideration in future TA funding cycles.  


This initial allocation of funding will allow the project to be underway, which will give future grant applications a greater chance of approval.  We have noted several options for future funding; these future funding applications can be made while the design and right-of-way phases are on-going.   This project will provide a missing pedestrian link within the Town.  If we do not accept the funding offered, we may not receive future consideration for funding from VDOT for the same project.


This missing pedestrian link is adjacent to the Blue Ridge Middle School, and the students who live in the residential area northwest of the school do not currently have a continuous safe walking route to school.  The missing section requires pedestrians to walk along the edge of the roadway near a blind curve.  Failure to begin this project with the available funding will make it more likely that the project will not be constructed in the near future. 


With the partial funding that has been approved by Virginia, the design and part of the right-of-way needed can be completed.  The budget proposed in FY23 will not be impacted.  While the design is underway, alternative funding sources can be identified, including possible grant applications through Loudoun County CIP (through annual submissions made in the Fall), the next cycle in 2023 for Transportation Alternatives, or a congressional earmark.  Other sources could be additional NVTA funds or the Town’s general fund.  The principal impact to the Town’s budget would be if no other funding source was found and the funds were allocated from the Town’s general fund balance. 


“I move that the Town Council accept the funding offered through the VDOT Transportation Alternatives grant, in the amount of $701,244, for the G Street Sidewalk Improvements Project, and that the Town commits to fund the remaining share of the project.  I further move that the Town Manager is authorized to execute all agreements and/or addendums with the Virginia Department of Transportation associated with this project.” 

Attachment #1
Attachment #2
Attachment #3
Attachment #4
Attachment #5