Item Coversheet

Information/Discussion ITEM

Item # 9.a.


(revised 03.23.21)Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - Proposed Two-Year Plan (Amie Ware)


March 23, 2021


Amie Ware, Parks and Recreation Division Manager


The Purcellville Parks and Recreation Advisory Board has prepared a two-year plan to guide and prioritize their efforts, working with the Parks and Recreation Division, to provide diverse and engaging recreational opportunities for the citizens of Purcellville.  The chair of PRAB and the board member who led the process will present the plan to Town Council for adoption. Staff and PRAB recommend that Town Council accept the two-year plan.


Working with the Parks and Recreation Division staff, PRAB initiated the effort to establish this two-year plan in July 2020. The process began with a listing of all of the projects and events that PRAB is involved with. From there, a job card was completed for each item. Each PRAB member volunteered to serve as the lead for the various projects. The PRAB member lead worked with the staff lead to complete the job cards for years one and two. After several drafts and reviews, the plan was completed in February, 2021.  The plan is designed to be flexible to allow for changes based on lessons learned and other challenges that arise. The goals of the plan are to help PRAB focus its efforts and to be more deliberate and effective in planning and managing projects.


There are no significant issues regarding the decision to accept this plan.


PRAB’s Two-year Plan has been prepared to stay within the existing budget. Potential sources of additional funding have been identified for some efforts.



“Recognizing that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board 2021-2022 Biannual Plan will require future budgeting and prioritization actions by the Town Council, I move that Town Council accept the Plan as presented in the staff report and authorize the Board to socialize the Plan with the community via the town web-site and other avenues as needed.  Further, I move that the Town Council direct staff to draft, execute, and manage legal agreements as necessary to receive volunteered goods and services associated with Board projects, such as the construction of a music stage in Dillon’s Woods.”

DRAFT Biannual Plan
Power Point Presentation